Capítulo 64

Annie Dawson P. O. V

Every moment he is here, my heart hurts more and more with every moment. This was the house that the man almost died in. This was the house I shot my husband. I have no idea if he's back for revenge, because of what I did, or if he really wanted to see Chasity. The thought that bothers me is, if it's the latter, then why not come sooner? So many questions through my mind, and so many emotions fill me that I feel like I'm about to pass out, but I don't do it because I don't trust him.

My husband may say he's here to make amends, but it doesn't change things. What he did in the past was horrible. It broke our family.

He tried to kill an innocent man.

I couldn't stop shouting his name this morning when I saw him in the living room. I thought I was seeing a ghost. I didn't see when the paramedics grabbed his body, but ben told me that they made me and that he had denied me having anything to do with Andrew's body; so that

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