I ask for the next dance with the bride!

Apparently being the youngest of the Di Sávallo family also made Alessandro the least serious of the brothers, but the truth was that no one at that party was serious. The second season of the World Rally Championship had finally ended after three months and Angelo's numbers put him in a privileged position to challenge for the title.

But the real celebration had been that unexpected and above all very intimate wedding that Ian and Lia had arranged just for the family.

I'm sorry, Alessandro, but you can't have my wife! You've already made her dance with everyone but me. With brothers like you I'm not going to make it to the honeymoon!

Which by the way is in...? Carlo asked carelessly.

Oh, don't even think for a second that I'm going to tell you! They'd all go after me just to annoy me!

The chorus of laughter spread as camera lights rained down and the family happily piled in for pictures.

But the one the newlyweds liked best was the most intim
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