Ian ripped the delicate fabric of the T-shirt as he laid her down on the bed. He was too impatient to set about undoing all the buttons of that sleeping set.

I swear to God I'm going to buy you another one! _ he blurted out, making her laugh.

He wanted her, Ian wanted her so badly, so badly, so badly that he could barely get out of his own clothes. He lifted her hair over her shoulders and stepped back, just the distance his arm would allow, to admire her.

_ Hell, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?

_ Mmmm... a lot. _ answered the girl as she pulled him to her to make him fall on the bed above her.

He felt the weight of her body, that perfect balance between musculature and willpower, and he knew that his own was nil. She had no decision, no will, not when she wanted him like that, not when she felt so irrevocably wanted by him.

Ian was right: she had always wanted him, with her head full of shadows or fully conscious, as it was now. He was the man who completed her, who seduc
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