Ian stepped forward and left a fleeting kiss on her lips so naturally that she couldn't react, dumbfounded. He just closed the door behind him and watched him smilingly inspect the tiny apartment he had just rented, while he let her continue their awkward phone conversation.

Johan's story sounded more and more implausible, and sometimes Lia's eyes widened like saucers, sometimes she pursed her lips and sometimes she smiled in disbelief. But she kept watching the man walking around the living room petting the puppy. It was the first time I saw him as a pure Di Sávallo.

And what has your lawyer told you about it? _ she asked at a moment when her husband seemed to calm down a little, and the way he then shook his head, his eyes shining, cheered Ian up as if he were a child _ No, Johan, I had no idea that Mr. Di Sávallo had a whole retinue of sharks... I mean, lawyers, at his service.

Again it seemed that the businessman's voice could be heard even without the telephone despite the distan
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