A few days ago I bought her these jeans with suspenders, which together with the white shirt and black shoes look beautiful.

—Look how handsome you are, honey. All that's left is... —I reach for the brush, combing her hair to the side—. "I think I fell in love, you are a handsome gentleman, Mr. Samuele," I joke, imitating the voice of a screeching female, and I kiss his hand.

He starts laughing, infecting me instantly. Afterwards I fill him with many kisses, I am grateful that my lipstick is matte, otherwise I would ruin his little white shirt.

“Time to go,” my friend croons, leaning out.

-Aunt! - my little one exclaims, that's how anxious he gets when he sees her.

"Yes, my darling, here's your favorite aunt, come on." She opens her arms, he jumps on top of her and catches him. You smell so good, darling.

—You too. —he says hugging her.

I melt with tenderness.

Soon we got into Gaspard's sports car, if I knew where we were going I would have left with my son in my car.

During the journ
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