Years later...

The first date; Silvain chose a quiet place, being more welcoming and modest than what he is usually used to. I had a good time, two weeks after the gallery, it had led to that moment that I thought would never come.

Attentive, friendly and detail-oriented. He put it all together that night. The memory immediately comes to my mind, leaving me retrospective.

The list of beautiful, and unimaginable, events is endless.

«—I hope you like it, I thought of you, so I hope you like it. —The security he usually manages seems to abandon him. He guides me inside the restaurant, it is warm, beautiful... I have no words.

"I like it, a lot," I admit.

He smiles. We go to a table, away from the rest, a maïtre's soon appears and offers us culinary options that make me hesitant. Everything looks fine.

However, not much happens when the knight leans in to listen to Silvain's request in secret. So I no longer choose, everything is said.

—What did you tell him?

—He will bring us the best di
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