Chapter 180. Denatured father!

Everyone went to bed in the Estebans' mansion, except two people, she got up stealthily and walked to the balcony, the man blew her a kiss and signaled that he would climb up the column. The woman watched him climb without being able to contain her nerves, feeling that her heart was pounding harder, she believed that at any moment it could burst out of her mouth.

″It wasn't easier for you than for me to come down," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

″No, you can get hurt, I couldn't forgive myself, if something hurt you.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her to his body, pressed her against his humanity as he pulled her by the nape of her neck. He devoured her mouth with an overflowing passion, as he felt her body vibrate with the mere contact between their bodies.

″I've missed you like you have no idea," he said, his words showing anxiety.

″Me too... from today on we will make a pact, even if we get angry we will never sleep if it's not in each other's arms, do you agree my little crazy
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