Chapter 177. There is no future for us

Zeus felt as if an invisible hand was grabbing him by the neck and suffocating him, he had to get out of bed, otherwise he would end up suffocating.

″This can't be possible, how did it happen? ″he asked, and Fedora's face saddened.

″I'm going to think... that your question is the result of the surprise of finding out that you are going to be a father at a young age. It hasn't been easy for me either, this news came to me unexpectedly, because even though I love you... I didn't think that children would come first, before we got married," said the girl, taking a seat on the bed.

″We use protection," said Zeus.

″I know, that's why it was more unexpected... there were supposed to be no risks, however, apparently we are in the statistics, we are one of the three out of a hundred couples that get pregnant using a condom, maybe the only safe method is to abstain from having sex, I don't know Zeus. Do you think I'm not mortified that we conceived this baby when we were just friends? What wou
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