Chapter 176. Impulses are paid for

Lia tried to go out to stop them, she didn't want them to end up hurting Zeus, however, Diego stopped her with a strong look and an icy tone of voice.

″Stay out of it! It's a matter we should talk to him about. Tell me something Lia, did Zeus at least break up with his girlfriend before coming to have sex with you? Did you let him do that? ″she asked without hiding her annoyed face.

″He did not do it alone, I also participated, I knew he was engaged and I did not care, here there is not only one guilty party, there are two and I have the same responsibility as Zeus, do not pretend to get rid of me because I am his daughter and sister.

″Don't justify it, it's not you who is engaged, it's him, who must also be faithful to the person he is with. It is a commitment Lia, the previous step to take her as a wife. Zeus gave his word to that woman to get married and she broke it by sleeping with you and that is what we will not allow, you will not be anyone's mistress! ″emphasized Diego with a
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