CHAPTER 26: Don't you dare look for my mother!

Myriam cocked her lips, although the boutique employees thought she was looking at herself in the mirror, her gaze was fixed on Gerald's expression, it was inevitable that her stomach did not shrink when she noticed how that cold gaze turned into fire, and her skin burned, her stomach picked, and for an instant they both wanted the same thing, but just like Gerald a flash of awareness came over her mind.

This is not right, she told herself. He's interested in Bianca, she kept repeating in her mind, and it hurt, so she shook her head and went back to the dressing room.

After trying on several more items including dresses, skirts, tops, pants, and shopping for various shoes, bags, and jewelry, she headed home.

In the car that awkward silence reappeared; Myriam slid her fingers over to the music player, though Gerald didn't seem to like it, yet he seemed so intent on the road that he didn't flinch.

"On the other side of the moon by Gian Marco" began to play.

Myriam closed her eyelids for
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