CHAPTER 29: A kiss? I just got my wish!

Gerald smiled.

"I warned you not to drink so much," he said.

Myriam laughed and then synchronized through BT, her playlist, she chose "Last dance by Lucy Grau"

"We'll start with something light," she murmured and held out her hands for him.

Gerald stood up, with one hand he took her by her waist, and with the other he entwined her fingers with hers.

Myriam inhaled that masculine fragrance and felt her legs shake, and she placed her hand on Gerald's shoulder and led him with slow, gentle steps.

"Very good," she smiled to herself, then as the violin strings plucked they looked into each other's eyes and continued to dance slowly, suddenly the rhythm changed and a drum was heard. Myriam raised one of her eyebrows. "Follow my steps," she suggested.

Gerald gave her a crooked smile, pulled her close to her body, and began to dance, swaying his hips to the tune, spinning Myriam around several times, and she was stunned.

"You said you didn't know how to dance" she reproached him, moving her h
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