CHAPTER 32: From ogre, to chocolate cake!

Bianca tried to pounce on Myriam, but Gerald stood in front of her.

"Don't you dare touch her," he roared, looking down at her with utter contempt. "Get out of this house and don't ever come back, because I'll get you out myself," he roared, scowling at her.

Helena's eyes widened when she heard it, she swallowed hard, hiding the fact that Bianca's words hurt her, but she was even more surprised to see that Myriam defended her, and that Gerald supported her.

Bianca turned and walked out of the mansion like a soul from hell.

"I swear I'm going to get revenge," she growled.

Myriam walked over to Helena and hugged her.

"Ignore her, you are a very strong woman, all the more reason you should walk and show that you are brave."

Helena hugged her future daughter-in-law and sobbed into her shoulder, letting off steam.

"You are a very good woman", she stammered, "don't worry about me, better tell me, how do you feel?", she questioned, separating her face from Myriam's and looking into her eyes.
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