CHAPTER 25: I can't want her!

Kevin walked into Gerald's office to find him eating some grapes Myriam had brought him.

"I can't believe it!" he exclaimed, "the almighty Mr. Lennox eating in the office," he joked, "I see Myriam is performing miracles."

Gerald blinked and snorted.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned.

Kevin rolled his eyes.

"She is a woman with a good heart, after how you treated her yesterday, if I were her, I wouldn't say a word to you" he emphasized; "However, she brought you breakfast, like a devoted wife concerned about her husband" he commented, "and the most interesting thing is that you are eating what she prepared for you" he smiled, "so she has the power to transform you and bring out to bring out the good things that you have hidden in the depths of your heart"

Gerald finished eating one of the grapes, and was thoughtful, he didn't comment on it; however, he was curious what Myriam's face would make when she walked into her office.


Myriam greeted her collaborators and hurried
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