Chapter 14

Chapter 14

 Paralympic training was taken very seriously. And not all athletes were sponsored, like André. There was one guy, Joaquim, for example, who took more than two hours just to get to the place, as he depended on three rides, among buses and trains. So, Daniela, informed of the situation, organized a very efficient carpool system. Her practice of organization came from the days of the youth group. Nivaldo and the church group, soon appeared and made visits to local merchants, owners of supermarkets and bakeries, among others. They agreed to put the logos on the training shirts and soon received supplies of fruits, juices, breads and cakes.

The accordance was immediate between the young people and the athletes. What they all had in common was the drive. To improve themselves first and to improve the common situation.

One of the athletes, Adalberto, was so energetic that he seemed to pull the others. He laughed, clap

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