CHAPTER 17. A surprising discovery
Nick looked around. The apartment didn't have a speck of dust in it, and he made sure that the lady who usually cleaned used odorless products.

He took a bath before leaving and didn't put on any perfume. He took the van out that day, which was well cleaned, and drove to Valeria's apartment after telling her by text message that he was on his way to pick them up.

He had no idea why he was so nervous, but he reached the third floor climbing the steps two at a time, and when the door opened, he had to swallow dry to avoid saying something stupid. Valeria was wearing a strappy dress, floor-length, and so soft it looked like it would fly off in the first breeze. Her hair was loose and a very thin headband held it up.

“Hello,” he said. “I'm here.”

“Hello,” Valeria smiled briefly and called Alice. The little girl arrived next to them with a rather calm expression.

“Baby, this is Nick. Nick, this is Alice.”

He waved his hand in greeting because he knew she didn't like to be touched.

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