CHAPTER 117. A shotgun
Eight years later.

Alice entered her father's office and saw him sitting in front of the window, aloof and worried.

“Dad? Are you all right?” she asked, approaching her.

Nick smiled, hugging her. “Hi, honey, you're out of school early! I thought you had your final exams.”

Alice had gotten into Stanford University at thirteen, and Valeria, Nick, and the twins had moved to San Francisco.

“Well, I did, but some idiot apparently didn't think he could pass the exam, so he triggered the fire alarm and they had to postpone it.” Alice sighed, sitting down across from him. “What's got you so worried?”

Nick ran his hands through his hair in despair. Over the years Alice had become his best friend and the closest of his daughters, because the twins, besides having each other, were at an age when they didn't even know he existed.

“I'm worried about your mother,” he confessed. “She's been very... irritable the last few weeks. I do my best not to upset her, but the truth is I don't understand
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