CHAPTER 16. A man willing to help
Nick held back the urge to punch Andrew Davies full in the face, but they had just signed the company's most important contracts in several years, so he stopped himself.

“I'm not so sure I'll let Valeria go,” Nick replied.

“Well, that's not entirely up to you, is it? We'll see what happens in the next few months,” Andrew smiled before saying goodbye.

He watched him go to Valeria's office and give her a tentative and very brief hug that made him fume to the roots of his hair.

He hadn't finished leaving when Nick was already bursting into Valeria's cubicle like a lion fresh out of the cage, not caring that people were watching.

“What was that about you not being easy with the first guy who passed you by?” Nick hissed, slapping his palms on her desk, causing her to raise her head.

“What was that about you not being jealous of me?” she replied, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

“Don't change the subject, Valeria! What was all that hugging about?” he demanded.

Valeria closed her eyes
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