CHAPTER 113. A present for daddy
Valeria took a deep breath. She had taken classes, read books, done absolutely everything she was supposed to do, but nothing could prepare her for the pain she was about to feel.

“I'm going to give you a vasectomy with manicure tweezers!” she yelled at Nick as another contraction hit. “And without anesthesia!”

Nick stoically endured the finger squeezing and all the curses that suddenly came out of that pretty little mouth, and accompanied her every step of the way. It wasn't a difficult delivery considering they were twins, but it still lasted over thirteen hours.

The family crowded outside the hospital's delivery room and if Amelia hadn't planted her feet, they would all have gone in with her.

Finally, Lisa was the first to come out, and Layla only took another five minutes. They were healthy, plump, and beautiful, and weighed six pounds each.

Amelia cleaned them, and after the routine check, she put them in Valeria's arms.

“How are you feeling, love?” Nick asked, wiping away h
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