CHAPTER 114. Going home
Layla turned pale, pink, red, and almost went through all the colors of the rainbow when she heard Richard ask her that question.

“Somebody get me a broom!” she asked. “Because I swear I'm going to hit him with it!”

Everyone burst out laughing as Richard pouted.

“It's not the end of the world either. I end up sleeping more in your apartment than I do at home.”

“Exactly! And if you think I don't see you when you sneak out of my place before dawn... well, you're wrong!” said Andrew, mocking him. “Stop acting like a teenager and get him out of my house.”

Layla sighed hesitantly. She wasn't afraid of sacrificing her freedom, but of all the things Richard might want someday that she couldn't give him.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked him softly, and he gave her a charming smile.

“Of course. There's nothing I want more in the world than to be with you. Everything else we can figure out later... together.”

Layla rolled her eyes and took the little box.

“Okay! I give up... But I'm
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