CHAPTER 13. Well justified jealousy
Putting aside the incident of Mr. Davies, who had left her office a little nervous, Valeria felt that the rest had gone perfectly. Layla was delighted, and had invited her and Oli for a drink afterwards to discuss Oli’s move to the Production department.

Valeria was ready to leave when a girl from the Economy department put twelve colored folders on her desk.

“Miss Williams?” she asked.

“Yes, it's me.”

“Our CEO sent you this. It's the specifications for the materials you used in your collection and he needs you to set a budget for tomorrow.”

Valeria looked at that mountain of folders. It would take her a couple of hours to come up with an acceptable budget, but she could do it. She'd end up scratching the clock, though.

“Okay, thanks,” she mumbled as she opened one, but before the girl could leave, she stopped her. “Wait, please. These are not the materials I used in my collection.”

The girl wrinkled her brow.

“Are you sure? Those are the ones our CEO requested.”

“Yes, I'm pre
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