chapter forty two


 My arms are already aching from this rope it's pitch black this room I'm facing mia who's head down I'm shivering after that day they threw me a bucket of water almost every day they come and do the I don't even know for sure anymore I think it's been a month since we've been here and almost every day when I think about giving up Mia gives me strength saying her brother is coming to pick us up I think about my baby every day praying to get us out of here because I don't want to win him here so hope she is the last one who dies I leave my thoughts with the door of this smelly room opens with a thud I and mia always pretend we're sleeping so I keep my head down.

 — Girls, it's time to meet someone – one of them speaks and they come to untie me and the other unties the mia

 They take us to a room that has like a log in the center the guy holds the mia

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