chapter forty seven


 I try to open my eyes but I can't, I try to move my fingers but also nothing to scream either what's happening to me I look around and I don't see anything It's so dark here I walk some through the pitch feeling without seeing anything I take a few more steps and I see a light I walk to her and suddenly the scenery changes I'm in a hospital I walk down the hall looking around further I see a waiting room I go into it and I see my parents, my brothers and my friends I run to them but it seems they are not seeing me .

 — My girl has to be fine soon, – she says and my father comforts her.

 — Mom, I'm here – I scream but they don't hear me walking to my brothers

 — She has to go back her son needs her – Bryan says and Lyam agrees

 — I didn't leave, I'm here – I say in a thin voice.

 — What about Sebastian? – Iggy

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