chapter forty three


 Today and the day we are going to pick up the girls Iggy will monitor everything from the faction while we are in the field we all went to the car after going over the plan again nothing can go wrong today we put on the vests and went straight to captivity while the car followed there I was mentally asking my sister Ruby and the baby to be ok we separated me, Celina and Jack went to one side and the rest to the other side blew up the door of the place and there were already men waiting for us I fixed my semiautomatic in my hands and we were slaughtering all that were and our fronts we went further more men appeared who were falling thanks to Celina and Jack we walked more and suddenly we heard screams echo through the place Celina went towards the scream with the gun in hand a door and open and scream continues and this scream is Ruby's and then my sister screams

 — The baby is being born –

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