chapter forty four


 It was a week after Ruby and Mia were rescued and so far none of her wake up I get a little sad I promised I would only go to France as soon as she woke up her family heard about what happened and decided to postpone Bryan's wedding they everyone would come here because they wanted to be close when she wakes up and also to meet Aiden the baby and he's cute he looks like his father from the eyes to the hair as I'm always here at the hospital me, Celina, Mia who's already been discharged and Jack Celina still didn't tell him that and Savanah's father we advised her to tell we heard a strange movement in the hospital Sebastian left her room to see what was happening suddenly her parents appear in the hallway and right behind his brothers and girlfriends Bryan stayed with me looking later at this Loren woman pulled his attention to her Celina saw when I walked away

 — She d

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