chapter forty six


 It's killing me little by little The days go by and nothing opens her eyes I question and everything they tell me and for me to be calm that in her time she will wake up the cardiac monitoring device is still connected to your heart every day I am here at my feet until she wakes up when I'm not by her side I'm in the nursery watching our son the pediatrician said he's fine and that next month he'll be able to go home

 I'm now in the room holding Ruby's hand I feel someone touch my shoulder and I see Ruby's mother Audrey she gives me a sad smile.

 — Sebastian goes home, you need to rest – Aubrey speaks with his hand still on my shoulder

 — No, I want to be here when she wakes up – I reply, not wanting to distance myself

 — please, you didn't eat anything go as soon as she wakes up I'll call you – Aubrey says with a smile.

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