CHAPTER 23: Yes, I repeat, you are an ogre.

Gerald took a sip of coffee.

"Well, at least you're aware that she's crazy." He smiled, "I never thought to see you married", he mocked his friend.

At that moment one of the company's vans pulled into the parking lot, and several longshoremen helped with Myriam's boxes, while she and her friend Elsa got out of the car that Gerald had sent to pick her up.

"Sister-in-law!" Kevin exclaimed and walked over to greet her, joking.

Gerald pursed his lips and gave his friend a reproachful look.

"Hello," Myriam greeted.

Kevin immediately looked at the boy.

"He's identical to Gerald, but here between us, let's hope it doesn't take the character out of him." The river.

Elsa burst out laughing at this, looked at Gerald in the distance and waved her hand.

"Hello, brother-in-law," she joked.

Myriam nudged him.

"Stop kidding around," she begged.

"As my friend's bad manners, she has not introduced us, I am Elsa Vanegas, Myriam's best friend." She held out her hand and looked at Kevin with a smile.

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