CHAPTER 2: Fired and divorced.

Several days had passed after learning of Myriam's alleged infidelity, for Raymond's family, she was guilty. The young woman seemed to hear whispers everywhere, pointing her out as an immoral woman, however, although she did not share the bedroom with him, she decided to stay in the same house, and prove her innocence.

In the company where she worked, they found out about the pregnancy, but there was no problem, until that morning when she entered her office and found an envelope on her desk.

Myriam opened it and read the word: Dismissal, frowned, thinking that the cause was the scandal, and went to her boss's office.

"Mr. Hamilton, I want to know the reasons for my dismissal," she said without daring to pass.

The man adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.

“As you know, we've had low income for months and we have to reduce our staff,” he said, waving for him to come in and sit down. “We know very well that you deserve better compensation, but we are going to declare bankruptcy, so I recommend that you accept what we are giving you, and in exchange, I will give you a letter of recommendation so that you start working in a corporation in the that you will not have the same position, but you will be an assistant”, he indicated.

Myriam snorted, what her boss said about the bad situation of the company was true, so she didn't object, and accepted the letter of recommendation.

"I appreciate it very much," she reported with deep sadness.

"Myriam, don't talk about your pregnancy in the other company, otherwise they won't give you the job, the owner, although he's young, is... A little difficult," he said, and remained silent. He didn't want to alert her, and say everything that the people who worked for Gerald Lennox thought of the man.

 The woman said goodbye to the man with a big hug, and she did the same with her colleagues, so she decided to go home, and when she went back in, she found Myriam in her apartment, with her husband in bed. This time she couldn't stand it and slapped Noemi.

The young woman was scared to see her sister in that state, out of her mind.

"You're an idiot," Naomi yelled furiously, trying to jump on top of Myriam, but Raymond grabbed her arms.

"Calm down," he suggested.

"You're the worst, how could I trust you, knowing you've always hated me," Myriam said woefully to her half-sister.

Naomi looked at her with deep resentment.

"Don't play the victim Myriam Bennett, you always had our father's affection, while I was the bastard, the illegitimate one", she shouted angrily, "it's true, I hate you and I always wanted to have the same as you, and that includes her husband," she roared.

Myriam swallowed her saliva with difficulty, listening to her sister, she tightened her eyelids, it was true that they did not get along, however, she never imagined that she had such reach.

"Perfect, I'll give you Raymond, but then don't come looking for me crying with sorrow," Myriam warned, "because you don't know what kind of man he is."

"You went crazy?" Raymond questioned Myriam, intervening in the conversation.

She took a deep breath and looked at him seriously.

“I want the divorce!” She yelled without caring anymore, he couldn't bear those humiliations anymore, he wasn't interested in clearing his name anymore, one day the truth would be known.

"You'll have it," he assured, "but under my conditions," he refuted and asked Naomi to leave them alone.

"As long as I don't see you again, I'm capable of anything," Myriam shouted, took her suitcases out of the closet, and began to pack her things.

"Perfect, you won't see a single penny of my fortune," Raymond said. "I'll ask my lawyers to expedite the paperwork," he growled.

Myriam pressed her lips together and felt an emptiness in her heart.

"Someday you're going to regret it Raymond Wilson, but it will be too late, you broke me inside, I sacrificed a lot, even my health, to please you, to give you the child that you, being infertile, cannot have," she mumbled, "and you have not valued anything, I hope Noemi takes care of your luck. Bye.

She left Raymond's apartment in tears. She got into her car, and let out her tears, she had wasted seven years of her life next to a man who always cheated on her, and who never valued her sacrifice, she carried a baby in her womb, just to please him. That child was not conceived as a product of love. Her heart trembled as he realized that perhaps the father was that stranger, she shook his head and drove aimlessly, not knowing what to do about the child.

A few minutes later she parked the car in front of a park, got out of the vehicle, and while walking across the grass a soccer ball collided with her feet, raised her head, and looked at a little boy in front of her.

"I'm sorry," said the boy with a mischievous smile, he took the ball and ran to continue playing with his friends.

Myriam nodded and gave him a slight smile, then took a seat on a bench, and began to look around: Several mothers were playing with their children on the swings. Other infants with their parents learned to ride a bicycle. On the field several children participated in a soccer game, then the laughter of those infants, the look full of pride of the parents, was cheering his saddened heart. It was there that he remembered that a life nested in his belly.

"Will you be like any of them?" she questioned softly, and for the first time, she placed his hand on her belly, perceiving the agitated beats of her heart.

For years, she had suffered through expensive and painful procedures to get pregnant and please her husband. Now that she had lost everything, and that it could be said that she was completely alone, she realized that it was not like that, that she had a real reason to fight, be happy, and get ahead, and it was that little boy who carried her blood. And it was beginning to grow inside her.

Her heart swelled in her chest, and she imagined him playing in the park, running into her arms, hugging her.

 "You and I, we'll be very happy, you'll see," she assured, stood up, and before leaving she looked around again and smiled.

A little calmer, she went to Elsa's apartment, told her what had happened with Raymond, and the decision she had made to keep the baby.

"You are doing well, a son full of satisfaction, and you also fought hard to get it," Elsa warned.

Myriam managed a smile.

"I know," she said, "I don't know how I came up with that crazy idea of having an abortion." She pressed her lips, “when I always wanted to be a mom” she sighed deeply, “now I have a reason to fight, tomorrow I will go to the company that my former boss recommended, I hope to get a job, and never hear from Raymond Wilson again” she sentenced.


Gerald Lennox handed over the car keys to his company guard and immediately entered the building. When his collaborators saw him arrive, they stopped chatting among themselves and began to do their work, as their boss did not like that, they wasted time chatting. 

"Good morning," he greeted in a thick voice and immediately walked with a firm step, headed for the office. “What do we have for today?” he asked his assistant.

The young woman with trembling hands held the iPad.

"There's a problem," she stammered and watched as her boss focused his bluish gaze on her.

“What's going on?” he questioned, squeezing a rubber ball.

"We don't have enough containers to ship the merchandise to South America," she reported, her legs trembling.

Gerald stood up and started yelling at everyone, in that his friend and partner Kevin appeared.

“What's going on?” He asked, looking at everyone.

"That I have a team of inept people," Gerald roared, "we have warehouses full of food to send to our best customers in South America, and at this point, they tell me that we don't have containers," he shouted furiously.

"I can help," was heard in a female voice.

All the people gathered in the company turned their eyes to the attractive brunette woman, who had entered minutes before.

"Who are you?" was the first thing Gerald asked and when she kept walking towards him, her face seemed familiar, he just didn't remember where he had seen such a beautiful woman. "How can you help?" He questioned when he came back to reality, he was not interested in romances, his only goal in life was to work.

The woman cleared her throat.

"I'm Myriam Bennet, I'm here on behalf of Mr. Hamilton, we have contacts, if you'll let me make a call, maybe I can solve your problem."

Kevin looked at Gerald, and gave him a smile, he nodded.

Gerald just gave him a cold look.

"You heard," he roared, "do as the lady asks," he ordered.

Gerald's assistant took Myriam to her desk, and the woman immediately punched in a number and started chatting.

"Perfect, then the data will be given to you by another person. Thank you," she said and smiled, then handed the receiver to the young woman so that they could come to an agreement, he walked to where Gerald was standing. All fixed," she reported in a sweet voice.

He only just nodded.

"Come to my office," he ordered.

Myriam followed him, she didn't expect that man to hug her excited either, but a simple thank you wasn't too much; when he entered the office, she observed the wonderful view he had towards the Sears Tower.

"It's beautiful," she said.

"It's always been there," he answered dryly, "I don't have time, Miss...

"Bennett," Myriam added, turning and looking into his eyes, it struck her that such a young and attractive man had such a hostile attitude.

“Miss Bennett,” he repeated in his thick voice, “we don't need more people in this company; however, Mr. Hamilton was a great friend of my father, and I will make a concession,” he said.

Myriam clenched her fist, because the way she mentioned giving him the job sounded like payment; however, she needed to work, she had a baby in her womb that depended on her.

"Thank you," she mumbled, standing up, because he hadn't even asked her to sit down.

"My mother had an accident, she broke her leg days ago, and we don't have anyone to help her with her work at the company, you'll have to divide yourself between supporting her at home and the issues she has here," he informed and directed his gaze to the computer.

Myriam snorted because it was not the job she expected, however, she could not refuse.

"I accept," she said.

Gerald called his assistant and ordered him to take Myriam to the human resources department, he did not bother to read the resume, luckily for the woman, since she was still the wife of Raymond Wilson, his elder business enemy.


"Come with me," said Amanda, a woman with short curly hair and glasses.

Myriam followed her and when they were away from the office the younger one spoke.

"Are you going to work here?" she questioned shakily. "Is Mr. Gerald going to fire me?" she inquired.

Myriam smiled and shook her head.

"Of course not, I'll work for his mother," she informed him.

Amanda parted her lips in a big O, she didn't comment on it.

 "You were saved from working with Mr. Gerald, you will see that he is quite a complicated man," she began to say, "he has a very bad temper, he is too perfectionist, and he does not like people to make mistakes, she reported, "many are also said things about him from his private life"

"Yes, it looks like it's something…complicated," she murmured, and they both laughed.

“They say he's gay, that he doesn't like women, in all the years I've been working with him, I've never met any girlfriend” she indicated, “the one they always go out with is Mr. Kevin, here in the company believes that they are a couple, but we have doubts” she smiled.

Myriam wasn't curious, and she didn't like getting involved in gossip, much less about her bosses.

"Well, we'll have to respect his personal tastes," she informed her.

Amanda approached her and spoke to her softly.

"I think he's bitter because some woman did something bad to him, maybe she cheated on him with someone else, or she rejected him," she said. “Are you single or married?” Amanda questioned.

Myriam cleared her throat, and just then, luckily for her, the door to the Human Resources director's office opened.

"Come on," Amanda said, saying verbatim everything her boss had ordered the manager.

The man requested Myriam's resume and asked his secretary to write the contract, after which the new employee read and signed it.

In the afternoon he went to look at an apartment that he had seen in the newspaper, he liked the place a lot, it was small, functional, and close to his job, she paid the rent in advance with the money from his settlement, and then he went to Elsa's house to tell her about the new job, and above all to thank her for supporting her, besides that she was determined to forget her ex-husband, so that same night Myriam moved.

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