The encounter

"Do you always have to give me a scare, sir?" Mrs. Rosaura said, while putting her hand on her chest because the last person she expected to see was Daniel Busch.

Without permission, Daniel took the lady's hand and kissed the back of it, an action that left her paralyzed but reacted in time to withdraw her hand, still with wide-open eyes.

"Mrs. Rosaura... mother-in-law, I swear it wasn't my intention, but I had to come as soon as possible" he said, while finishing catching his breath and fixing his gaze on the bewildered young woman who was right behind Mrs. Rosaura.

Daniel seemed agitated, and thousands of questions crossed Ava's mind, who couldn't believe seeing him there in such a strange way. Mrs. Rosaura stepped aside because she had definitely noticed the pair of intense looks.

"Ava, I needed to see you... come with me, please" Daniel extended his hand to the young woman, who didn't hesitate and took it.

Ava's heart raced, and she knew it wasn't out of fear or anxiety... it was
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