Strong threat

The cold of the night and the darkness of the hallway, the one that had a little visibility due to a faint flickering light, which seemed to tremble to the rhythm of Ava's body, who was at the mercy of the person who had surprised her heading towards the limousine.

Ava couldn't think clearly, all her senses were frozen, the only thing she could be aware of was the way her body involuntarily reacted; that tightness in her chest and the almost electric spasms that the fear of having a gun pointed at his temple caused her.

"Listen to me carefully, you nosy bitch..." a voice said, murmuring as the hot breath seemed to burn Ava's ear. I know you're playing detective and I don't like that at all.

"Who the hell are you? Y-you're...Karen, right? —Ava said, but that arm pressed hard on her throat and the pain made her not say another question.

"You won't know my identity, but I'm going to tell you this once, listen to me carefully," that voice whispered. Not only you know things, no, no... We
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