CHAPTER 109. A rescue helicopter
Valeria hugged Alice even more when she heard him say that. You could hear the accusation and anger in the tone of his voice.

“Aaaah! You thought I wouldn't find out...” he continued. “But apparently you're not very good at math, because the dates don't match. You have too many weeks into the pregnancy and nobody buys the story that we slept together in Aspen.”


“You can stop playing games now. I know the kids are Alan's. It's a shame he's gone, but I can't be responsible with other people's kids anymore,” Nick shrugged as if he didn't care.

“But Nick—” Valeria was about to retort when Miranda interrupted her.

“Is it true, Nicky, that they're not yours?” Her tone was so hopeful that Nick looked up at her.

“We got married six weeks ago and Valeria is nine weeks pregnant. Does that math add up for you?” Nick hissed, and Miranda's face lit up. It was finally happening.

“You told me you were going to support me no matter what!” Valeria shouted at him, and Nick rolled his eyes
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