chapter thirty nine


 — One of the Mexican cartels wants a shipment of arms – Jack he shows me I see the last name Casanova and I'm familiar with that last name.

 — Do you know someone with that last name Casanova – I scratch the back of my neck he sees and his eyes widen

 — Hernando Casanova? – I confirm – and Celina's father – the eye amazed by the Revelation

 — Dude you're fucked up, you left the daughter of a drug dealer on the altar – I stare at him, making fun of his face

 We continued there until a few hours I look at my cell phone and Julius doesn't let me know if they've arrived home until there's an alert on my cell phone and I see a red code Jack was beside me when I opened the camera I had hidden in the car I saw Ruby pulling a sniper under the seat and giving it to Mia I decide to turn on the audio and see Ruby desperately putting her

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