chapter nineteen

Mia Russell

I leave the house like a flash and I ignored the girls screaming at me my brother couldn't have done that to her I take my car and go out screeching I know where he is these hours and where I'm going I can't believe the past is repeating itself again who does he think to go around hurting people after everything our father has done he's not the same about half an hour later i arrive at the apartment he uses for his dates i get out of the car walk through the parking lot i call the elevator minutes later I'm going to the penthouse I get the key I have I open the door slamming it hard 'and the moans stop him and the bitch Megan looks at me

— Send this bitch away and we have to talk  – Megan looks at me as if a second head was born.

— Look here...... – I don't let her finish attachment by the hair – Let me go, Sebastian – she screams calling him and

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