Chapter 30

It hurts as much as the first day.

"I am no one to take away your happiness. The one you truly deserve. Nor do I have the right to make you feel bad. For a moment I thought I could get out of my strange world, but I realized I was dragging you into it. I am no one to do that to you.

"You are Natasha, a strong and feisty woman," I look into her eyes, he speaks the truth even when they are injected with anger. "You are a beautiful woman who deserves everything wonderful she could ever want."

I smile.

"But I'm not enough and I don't give you the security you need," I shake my head. "It's okay, Nathan. I'm used to things not working out, to things being ruined. I'm used to me messing things up," I open the door. "You're the first person I've told about Stefano's friend. Now you can also feel sorry for me or say I'm lying."

"Hey, don't talk like that..."

"If someday you decide to come back. When you think I've stopped being so selfish to think only of me and you don't see anything positive
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