
Panama Clayton 1 year later

Life with all and its things is wonderful, my brunette and I have gone through a series of things which we have managed to overcome together and despite all those mistakes we made in the past we became more united. Reinforcing the good that we put into practice in the moments that we were bad have helped us to cope this year, but that does not mean that we have not had our differences, discussions and fights of those intense as only my bitter Moon and I know how to do it.

My husband's jealousy is totally crazy, I don't have a GPS in my ass because I don't allow it and the truth is I even doubt that I don't have it. My children are the most wonderful thing in the world, my now two-year-old boy is identical to his father and not only physically but also in his personality, instead my princesses are the same as me, they love to laugh and enjoy things. They are only one year old and they are as intelligent as their brother,

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