Chapter 35

5 days have passed since everything cleared up with my bitter Moon, how was it to be expected I am now installed in the mansion again, my brunette did not hesitate to get me out of that house that stole his moments with me. My sun has been evolving well, finally today we have visitors and we can see him for the first time after that operation where I wondered if I had done well in making the decision to operate on him, I just hope that he forgives me. Lucelia is very grateful to me and not stopping to let me know, that makes me extremely happy, but I can't ignore that I broke an important promise.

My mother for the first time has treated Kahin well, she has sincerely thanked him for what he did for us, the reality is that we all apologized to him and Loan who for defending him also took as my Zaza says.

My brown every time he wants to growl at me and demand for me, but since his mother is his mother I am teaching him to respect me, I still have two babies at home, my husba
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