Chapter 36

“Let him go Malcolm, you're choking him,” the big man ignores me, so putting my hand on his arm I tell him, “the baby is here,” he listen to those words and release him, looking at that despicable being that I have in front of me I put on my disgusted face, “are you saying sorry?” He nodded, “well, I can't be with this resentment and harboring hatred for someone who doesn't deserve even that from me, you've hurt me in ways that should never hurt someone, you tore me apart, and you ended a part of my life that I will never be able to repair again. Now since you've heard what you wanted, get away from me or I tell my husband to make you disappear from the fucking map.” 

Ian doesn't move, he just looks at me with those puppy dog eyes that he gave me so much before, “I was an idiot and although the reasons are not fair, I did that because I loved you,” he says no more, my hand which were carrying my son is stamped on
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