Chapter 32

I spend all afternoon and part of the night with my mother, talking to her is guaranteed laughter, she makes me forget everything for at least a little while, having to pack practically forces me to return to the mansion where my sadness is, my overwhelm. But the most important thing is that little person for whom I want to fight and get ahead.

When I enter everything is off, I walk around the mansion and I don't see them anywhere, not knowing where they might be and wanting to eat bananas I go to the kitchen where of course I find a surprise.

"Mom ... Mamma ..." My son is in front of the open refrigerator and taking everything out of it, watering and eating everything from butter to Nutella, I put my hands on a jug.

“I know, I know, I promise to clean everything,” looking in front of me I can't believe what I'm seeing, Kahin has that kitchen turned crazy, I don't know whether to yell at him or outright take a pan and hit him on the head to knock him out,
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