Chapter 31

The days pass and with them my pregnancy becomes less bearable, sadness, nervousness and anguish do not help me at all, I barely touch the food and that because I force myself to eat at least a little to feed my daughters.  I still live with Kahin, I'm still under the same roof as that man, the person who hurt me, cheated on me for no reason and what hurts the most is that he doesn't know how to explain everything to me. I have an infinite sadness that I must always hide, nobody knows what I am going through and I prefer it that way, now I am the mother of a baby and I carry two in my womb, I must be responsible for everything I do and I must face my problems alone.

"How about we tell Mom we have a surprise for her?" The only way I'm in the same place as Kahin is that we're spending time with our son and that's not more than 5 minutes, I can't even stand seeing him, nor even hearing him.

"Mom ... Mom ..." my son calls me, but I don't look at him, looking at him is loo
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