Chapter 7

"Witches are said to be fire's best allies, so don't worry about it. Now I'm going to make some points clear to you, punctuality is what I like the most, I hate changes of plans at the last minute and I hate that they want to play "I can do everything", I have no obligation to spend time with you, no more beyond the stipulated time, if you tell me that we will meet specifically at a time and with that you arrange the place, you do not have to come looking for me and pretend to get me off campus or wherever, just because you want to. Make no mistake with me Mr. Hamann, although I have never been, sexually speaking, with a man that does not treat me a stupid girl who does not know about life, do we understand each other?” My voice as always is sweet, no matter how serious or angry I am, my tone of voice never changes. His serious gesture and the veins that are swelling in his neck indicate that he is holding back, his gaze wanders over my body and only that gestur

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