Chapter 38

“Sweet you must calm down sweetie,” Kahin look at the woman, “I told you not to sit there, I warned you that I had a woman, I don't need another, and as I was telling you seconds before my wife arrived, you are not ready for this job, with me there is no need to lie down, you can go through your letter that is already ready,” the ortho-faced woman leaves the office, she glared at Kahin.

“I'm sick of everyone wanting to seduce you Kahin, I'm not willing to come here and find a woman wanting to fuck with you,” I'm exaggerating, it really only happened twice, with the cheap pediatrician and with this assistant.

"Sweet ..." he protests cuddly, "you know that won't happen, I respect you as my wife and as the mother of my children." I snort, try to calm myself down and I think I relax a lot, my pee comes out.

"God ... Not again ..." without being able to contain it, I let go of everything until I'm finished and as an extra gas comes

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