Chapter 33

The days go by and with it Kahin becomes more intense, he followed me on the day of the move and therefore knows where I live, the gifts and flower arrangements do not miss a single day as well as his visit every night to know my status and spend time with our son.

Everyone knows what Kahin did to me and as expected he did not defend himself, at least he was not so cynical to get out of control and ask that they trust him as he always asks me to do something that I do not understand. Why would I trust him after everything he did to me? "Kahin it’s very early, I don't know what the hell you're doing here, but I'm going to ask you the best way to get out of my house. When are you going to understand that I need peace and you won't give me that?" I open the door. “He's asleep and I'm perfectly fine, my daughters are fine, so bye-bye.”

Kahin's look is helpless, I don't know why that look, he knows perfectly well what he did, “how difficult is it to give
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