Chapter 34

While in the room we wait, the operation lasts from 6 to 7 hours, but I refuse to leave the hospital, I must be here when my sun leaves that room.

“It's been a long time Lucy.”

She looks at me, “it has only been 3 hours Sweet, we should go buy something for your feet.” 

I move my bare feet which is cold, “I don't want to leave here, I want to wait, I can't with this anguish.”

She hugs me, “everything will be fine,” we sigh together.

“There they are,” Carla's voice is heard loud and clear as always, Lucy and I break our embrace to fix ourselves. Carla, Loan and Kahin appear at the end of the hall, Lucy gets up and takes refuge in the arms of her brother. Me, I look away and focus on my feet, when I see some sandals fall next to them I look up and find my friend, I start to cry again, my friend sits next to me and hugs me tightly. She gives me the support I needed, “everything will be okay
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