Sixth Chapter - Vera Lucia

And he immediately received several resumes, but only one caught his attention. The candidate's name was Vera Lucia, including several recommendations from important people, who claimed to be admirers of her culinary skills. According to the information received, it was approved in large restaurants in the capital. In reality, everything was nothing more than recommendations made by people who tried to reintegrate Vera Lucia into society, praised her with the aim of being able to help her pass the new job, and in fact it worked.

But his story was not a fairy tale, his path there was tragic and full of pain, disappointment and crimes. She was at that moment a sad and disillusioned woman in love, she was lonely in the darkness of her room, hiding from the outside world and avoiding anyone who was amused by rumors about her. During all his youth he lived many cases, but he had never given his heart to anyone, now he suffered the contempt of an enormous passion that took him by

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