Seventh Chapter – Pedophilia

But everything was in the past. Currently, what was left were just memories and nothing else. Music was playing on a device on the small table next to it. And somebody insistently said... a cold day, good to read a book... and she couldn't even leaf through a few pages. For I kept thinking about him, about his unforgettable passion. In those days Marisa arrived in the neighborhood, a beautiful woman with fair skin, blue eyes, long hair and a breathtaking body. But, to the disappointment of the men in the neighborhood, she was a lesbian, her thing was the female sex and she declared herself averse to interested parties.

In a short time, he conquered many friendships, among them that of Vera Lucia, who was quite depressed. After exchanging confidences and an extensive outburst, she became aware of the reasons that led her friend to live in depression and took advantage of this to win her over, after all she started to want her since she met her. Gradually they got closer, star

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