Eighth Chapter - Strong Desires

Once again, he was an easy target for Stefany's seduction and would fall into another abyss for not fighting enough against the bad designs of his weak heart. Returning home, looking strange, he was interrogated by Vera who suspected something:

   — What happened to you, my love, since we returned from the mall, I realized that you are discouraged?

   — It was nothing, just tired ...

   — Well, you look worried!

   — Your impression, my dear, I'm fine

Of course, it was not at all well and she observed correctly. Since then, she has been attentive to the movements of her companion, who was silent and always seemed distant and sometimes she was locked in her office with the excuse that she would need to seek inspiration to write. But the truth was that she would be talking to her ex-lover, he was looking for a way to find her again and this time in a motel. Where he thought of satisfying his wild desires t

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