Marco, send the jet for me.

Ian's voice had sounded so uncontrolled on the other end of the line that his brother hadn't even stopped to greet him.

What's going on?

Marco, for once in your life forget that you rule an empire, don't want to control everything, don't want to know everything, and send the damn jet for me!

And a week after his arrival at the Montecarlo mansion he was still so irascible that only his mother dared to approach him and talk to him from time to time. Angelo and Alessandro spent most of their time in the Lancia's service park and he hardly saw them. Flavia was still not back from her exploration of Spanish universities, and Fabio did his best to arrive in the evenings, although no one knew if what was keeping his twin so busy was really the law firm he ran.

It wouldn't hurt to shave for a change! _ Carlo told him, bringing him a glass of whiskey, and lay down next to him on one of the pool beds, trying to forget his last argument with Aitana.

_ Leave me alone!
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