CHAPTER 14: Is Gerald Lennox the new owner?

Myriam's lips parted in a big O, and her heart began to pound.

"Are you kidding me?" she inquired, because her bosses, although they were good, were also characterized by being very stingy.

The woman on the other end of the line laughed.

"I understand that this is new for you, but with the new administration things are going to change," she explained, "we hope for Anthony's speedy recovery, and your return to the shipping company."

Myriam's lips trembled with shock, and a great torrent of tears fell from her eyes, it was as if life was giving her and Tony a second chance.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea what that means to me," she said in a shaky voice, "I hope to be at the shipping company soon, but if you need, anything feels free to call me, and I'll see how I get there," she explained.

“Don't worry, we just need you to come to the social work office, sign some documents, so that we can take care of your son's treatment.

"Thank you very much," she reiterated and hung up the ca
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