34. Operation: Apple Pie


Preparations for the party were in full swing by the time we got to the ranch. Mrs. Jenkins was baking up a storm when we got here yesterday, and she's still baking today.

The smell of cinnamon apples drifted through the ranch house, teasing all who were there with smelling distance, with the promise of a delicious dessert.

I followed my nose through the halls until I came to the kitchen. I could see Mrs. Jenkins bustling about making dough for what looks to be another pie.

Before I can take a step into the kitchen, a strong arm wraps around my waist and a large hand covers my mouth.

The thick Irish accent in my ear has me calm before I could scream.

"Don't make a sound, you'll blow the mission."

I turn my head to see Sean behind me, mischief dancing in his eyes. My brows furrowed in confusion as he led me into the broom closet next to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, as soon as he took his hand from my mouth.

"Operation: Apple Pie."

The door to the clo
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