The finding

With her heart racing and the indelible image of what she had just seen, Ava began gesturing to the driver; the words didn’t want to come out of her throat, but she finally managed to express her distress in the form of a rather heavy command for a young woman.

“Mercy, park here, park here now!” exclaimed Ava to the driver, breathing heavily.

The driver was startled by the distress in her boss’s voice and slammed the brakes, nearly causing a collision with another vehicle. Ava gripped the seat as tightly as possible, but she was grateful that Mercy didn’t scold her but instead sought a suitable place to park.

“Thank you so much, Mercy, you deserve a very good tip at the end of the day,” praised Ava to her few-spoken driver. “Wait for me here; I won’t be long.”

Ava exited the limousine and entered the café, which had a rustic and welcoming atmosphere; she had never been in that place before. The polished wood gave it a homely touch, and the scent of freshly ground coffee permeated the
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