"Good evening, Ismail”

But the rest did not last long. It was barely two in the morning when I started to feel pain, the contractions had accelerated, although it was not the first time I had the experience, I was terribly scared because the baby had come early. My eyes widened when I saw that I had wet the bed. I woke up Ismail feeling the next contraction go through me.

He blinked in excitement at the scene.

"Mariané, take a deep breath, we'll go to the hospital immediately" she spoke quickly, and dressed at the speed of light.

I didn't even answer him, the pain twisted me to the core. I just wanted this baby out of me anymore.

"It shouldn't be happening to me right now!" I exclaimed, letting out another groan.

The doctor had given me a date for the end of January.

“I know honey. But it is also common for them to hurry, everything will be fine. Breathe in and out, please”

“I tried to do what it told me, but it wasn't working. Suddenly the pain subsided, I breathed again with relief.
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